What Does the New Testament Say About Fasting


What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?

The Bible's answer

In Bible times, fasting was acceptable to God when it was done with the right motive. But when it was done for the wrong reasons, it brought God's disfavor. However, the Bible neither commands nor forbids fasting for people today.

Under what circumstances did some in the Bible fast?

  • When seeking help and guidance from God. The people journeying to Jerusalem fasted to show their sincerity in asking for God's help. (Ezra 8:​21-​23) Paul and Barnabas at times chose to fast when appointing congregation elders.​—Acts 14:23.

  • When focusing on God's purpose. After his baptism, Jesus fasted for 40 days to prepare himself to do God's will during his coming ministry.​—Luke 4:​1, 2.

  • When demonstrating repentance over past sins. Through the prophet Joel, God told unfaithful Israelites: "Return to me with all your hearts, with fasting and weeping and wailing."​—Joel 2:​12-​15.

  • When observing the Day of Atonement. The Law that God gave to the nation of Israel included a command to fast on the annual Day of Atonement.* (Leviticus 16:29-​31) Fasting was appropriate on this occasion because it reminded the Israelites that they were imperfect and needed God's forgiveness.

What are some improper motives for fasting?

  • To impress others. Jesus taught that religious fasting should be a personal and private matter between an individual and God.​—Matthew 6:​16-​18.

  • To prove oneself righteous. Fasting does not make a person morally or spiritually superior.​—Luke 18:​9-​14.

  • To try to compensate for a deliberate practice of sin. (Isaiah 58:​3, 4) God accepted only fasts that were accompanied by obedience and by heartfelt repentance for any sins committed.

  • To carry out a religious formality. (Isaiah 58:​5-7) In this respect, God is like a parent who is displeased when his children express love for him merely out of obligation, not from the heart.

Is fasting required for Christians?

No. God required the Israelites to fast on Atonement Day, but he eliminated that observance after Jesus permanently atoned for the sins of repentant people. (Hebrews 9:​24-​26; 1 Peter 3:​18) Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, of which Atonement Day was a part. (Romans 10:4; Colossians 2:​13, 14) Therefore, each Christian may decide for himself whether to fast.​—Romans 14:​1-4.

Christians recognize that fasting is not the focus of their worship. The Bible never associates fasting with happiness. In contrast, true Christian worship is marked by joy, reflecting the personality of Jehovah, "the happy God."​—1 Timothy 1:​11; Ecclesiastes 3:​12, 13; Galatians 5:​22.

Misconceptions about the Bible's view of fasting

Misconception: The apostle Paul recommended fasting to Christian married couples.​—1 Corinthians 7:5, King James Version.

Fact: The oldest Bible manuscripts do not mention fasting at 1 Corinthians 7:5.* Evidently, Bible copyists added a reference to fasting, not only to this verse but also to Matthew 17:21; Mark 9:​29; and Acts 10:30. Most modern Bible translations omit these spurious references to fasting.

Misconception: Christians should fast in commemoration of the 40 days that Jesus fasted in the wilderness after his baptism.

Fact: Jesus never commanded such a fast, nor are there any Scriptural indications that early Christians observed it.*

Misconception: Christians should fast when commemorating Jesus' death.

Fact: Jesus did not command his disciples to fast when commemorating his death. (Luke 22:14-​18) While Jesus said that his disciples would fast when he died, he was not issuing a command but merely stating what was going to happen. (Matthew 9:​15) The Bible instructed Christians who were hungry to eat at home before observing the Memorial of Jesus' death.​—1 Corinthians 11:33, 34.

What Does the New Testament Say About Fasting

Source: https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/bible-fasting-christian/

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